
Q1 2025

Focus on designing and integrating tools for the diver portal. This includes a digital logbook. A user created profile to showcase experience, certifications and dive readiness. This software is completely free for all divers.

Diver Portal

Q2 2025
Diver portal deployment

Diver portal goes live. Users are able to manually enter previous and new dives. Team looks to get feedback on tools and improve user experience.

Q3 2025
Company/Supervisor portal

The Divesync team will develop the company portal. This will provide companies with tools to manage each operation. Including dive profiles with built in decompression tables, a toolbox builder, document storage, asset management, personnel management, diver search functions and electronic dive log signatures.

Q4 2025
Company portal Deployment

Company portal goes live. Target 2 - 3 dive companies to provide testing and feedback. Including OMNE commercial dive training centre. Develop the operation management functions to include costings and availability. Get website and app ready for full deployment. Promote the capabilities of Divesync so it becomes the gold standard in dive operation administration.

Q1 2026
Distribution and adoption

Upon successful deployment of both the divers and company/supervisor portals, the Divesync team will endeavour to onboard every diver and dive company in New Zealand. We want to use 2026 to refine and continuously improve our services so that by the end of the year every commercial diver and commercial dive company is not only using Divesync but experiences the benefits of our services.